Wednesday , 24 April 2024



Valve Index Review

We were excited when we first received the specs of the Valve Index, and this convinced me it was finally to upgrade to...

Meta Quest GamesReviews

Accounting+ Review

When we heard that Accounting+ was coming to the Oculus Quest, we knew we would need to dive back into the game. Accounting...

PCVR GamesReviews

ROGAN: The Thief In The Castle Review

We first heard of ROGAN: Thief in the Castle as part of Uploads E3VR events, and straight away we knew this a was...

PCVR GamesReviews

FREEDIVER: Triton Down Review

When the teaser trailer was released for Archiact’s FREEDIVER Triton Down and the hashtag of #DontForgetBreathe popped up, I was instantly interested to...

PSVR GamesReviews

Luna Review

One thing I really like in VR is when developers look at possibilities that the medium holds, that are outside of the box. These...

PSVR GamesReviews

Intruders: Hide And Seek Review

When I first saw Intruders: Hide And Seek I thought was the game going to try to be horror or stealth or maybe...