Saturday , 18 January 2025



Preview: Skyfront VR

Ever wanted to take on other players in anti-gravity combat, well with use and the power of HTC Vive this can now be...


Preview: Theatre VR (EGX 2017)

I have a love for Virtual Reality, and what people do with this new medium, so I was excited to get an interview...


Preview: Dragonflight VR

For a long time now Dragons have formed a large part of Mythology. So, it only seems right that now that we have...


Preview: Operation Warcade

Operation Warcade brings an interesting spin on your VR wave shooters, with it being treat like an arcade machine. People who frequented 90’s...


Preview: GORN VR

I was one of the people who spent the time to download the demo from Free Lives website. Then had to force launch...