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Review: Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom

One thing I have always wanted to see in VR is a fully fledged interactive movie. So, when I heard that one was coming within the Mobile Suit Gundam Universe for the Meta Quest 3, I was very excited to see what they could bring with this fantastic franchise.

Release Date: October 3rd 2024
Developer: Bandai Namco Filmworks / Atlas V / Albyon
Publisher: Astrea
Price: £13.99
Reviewed On: Meta Quest 3
* Access Provided For Review *

Contract Accepted

In the year 0096 of the Universal Century, an unofficial mercenary organisation known as Argent Keil have been contracted to assassinate a high-ranking Federation official. Can a faceless pilot known as “Shavetail” and the Delta Zatin Gundam complete this contract?

Enter The Gundam Universe

As aforementioned Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom is feature-length interactive cinematic story that is certainly tailored for Gundam enthusiasts/people who love anime and VR alike. What this offers people who fall into this ilk is, a chance to deep dive into the heart of one of Japan’s most iconic anime universes.

The Cinematic story will be told in both a 3D Visual Novel style and also some parts in very high quality 360 Video when needed – with the 360 videos mainly being used for flash-backs. Where 360 video sometimes looks very out-dated and less than perfect quality in VR, they have made sure this is very crisp and up to scratch when it’s used. One thing I loved is, it played out like a Visual Novel as well as a cinematic experience. I am very much a fan of what VR offers Visual Novels so, it was great to see a franchise like Mobile Suit Gundam using elements of this.

They have also mixed it up a little for the interactive sections of this movie. Which will see you getting involved in some battles and taking control of the shield, guns and beam saber of the Delta Zatin Gundam, navigation through rock formations and dodging incoming fire and attacks. These sections will all be from the first person view of Shavetail, really dragging you into the movie and universe. One thing they have managed well when it comes to the interactive elements of the movie is, not over using them and when they have used them its been well timed – meaning you are not taken out of the feeling you are watching the feature-length two-hour story in VR.

It’s not all perfect and plain sailing though, there are a few little issues that hinder the experience on offer here. As previously mentioned you really need to be a Gundam enthusiast to get the most out of this interactive experience, but it might also be enjoyable in your are someone that loves anime. Secondly there are a lot a sharp cuts in the scenes, which at times can be quite jarring. For example: you are looking over Shavetail’ shoulder at an incoming message, then it sharp cuts suddenly to a side view, leaving you turning your head to look at the message, for it to then sharp cut back to over the shoulder. But, other than these two issues, I think this attempt at bringing a feature-length story as a movie in Virtual Reality is a positive start to what could be possible.

Mixing It Up

The team have also included two exclusive Mixed Reality experiences. These modes will certainly resonate with the big kid inside of everyone and offer an outstanding experience for fans of the Mobile Suit Gundam universe. These modes are:

Battle Mode – This experience will allow you to grab your Gundam in your hand and defeat enemies in your own room – like when you would fly a figure around as a child. The enemies will be coming through holes in your walls, ceilings and floor, and you will be dodging their incoming fire, defending yourself, shooting missiles and mastering your Gundam’s Beam Saber. This is certainly a fun little addition that is work checking out.

Gallery Mode – An experience made with enthusiasts in mind. Pick a Mobile Suit figure, place it on the platform and step through the portal and get the explore a wide variety of life-sized Mobile Suits. Use your grappling gun to move around them and discover them from every angle, as you take in the full scale Suits as if they were there in real life.

The Verdict

Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom brings an excellent two-hour cinematic interactive story from the year 0096 of the Universal Century to Virtual Reality. It’s fantastic to see a franchise like Mobile Suit Gundam embracing VR, and creating something that is a perfect use of that universe. With interactive elements that are used well and don’t overtake the feeling you are watching a movie. Then add on the Mixed Reality experiences that allow you fly a figure around your room taking on enemies and getting to look around full scale Mobile Suits being every enthusiasts dream. However, with it being Mobile Suit Gundam I feel that fans of the franchise or anime lovers are the only people that are going to get something out of this interactive movie.