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Review: The Utility Room

The Utility Room is certainly a game that peaked my interest, with me liking the sort of artsy experiences that Virtual Reality...

PSVR2 GamesReviews

Review: Compound

Compound has been around a couple of years now on PCVR, where it has received overwhelmingly positive reviews. Now it is arrived on...

PSVR2 GamesReviews

Review: Arcade Paradise

When checking out a preview build of Arcade Paradise VR on the Meta Quest 3, it left me with good impressions of the...

PSVR2 GamesReviews

Review: Sugar Mess – Let’s Play Jolly Battle

From what I had seen of Sugar Mess it seemed more for the younger generation, not really an arcade shooter suitable for all...

PSVR2 GamesReviews

Review: Spin Rhythm XD

Rhythm games and Virtual Reality go together like bread and butter but, they are all feeling a bit to samey now. So, when...

PSVR2 GamesReviews

Review: Retropolis 2: Never Say Goodbye

Retropolis 2: Never Say Goodbye is a game I have played before on PCVR and it’s something I feel the PSVR2 library is...

PSVR2 GamesReviews

Review: cyubeVR

One game I have been shocked has not had a PSVR2 port is Minecraft, but don’t worry cyubeVR looks to fill that void....

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