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Review: cyubeVR

One game I have been shocked has not had a PSVR2 port is Minecraft, but don’t worry cyubeVR looks to fill that void. I have now been crafting and building away in this creative game, but how does the PCVR port hold up on Sony’s hardware?

Release Date: March 16th 2024
Developer: Stonebrick Studios
Publisher: Stonebrick Studios
Price: US $29.99 / CAN $39.99 / €34,99 / £28.99
Reviewed On: PlayStation VR2
* Code Provided For Review *

Lets Get Creative

cyubeVR has been inspired by Minecraft in the way it plays, the generated terrain in your world is going to be made up of of blocks that you dig up and mine. However, these are all covered in more realistic textures, with foliage, animals and trees all looking realistic rather than blocky – and damn does it look pretty.

The game is more about the creativity of the player, you don’t ever get any threat from enemies like creative mode in Minecraft – but unlike Minecraft none will be spawned in, as the game has none at all. This will allow the user to just explore, collect and craft items without any worries of dying, which is a lot more peaceful. When exploring you will come across recipes to craft more and more items, as you build up you crafting library to get more and more creative with what you are creating.

At first the controls will seem a little fiddly, but after about thirty-minutes of playing you will have a good idea of the control scheme. I would recommend perceiving until you have gotten used to them, as crafting and seeing your creations come together in this stunning looking game is certainly worth the payoff. You do have your crafting manual in the pause menu as well, that will teach you everything that is needed to craft that item.

Now, there are a couple of things missing I would love to see in the cyubeVR, but the team are working on updates, so maybe these might come further down the line as the game continues to develop. The first thing I would love to see introduced is a survival mode/option with enemies and hunger to contend with. The other thing is a multiplayer mode, as these vast environments you can explore would be even more fun if you could explore and create with a friend rather than feeling so lonely.

Truly Stunning

As previously mentioned cyubeVR goes for a more realistic look, and believe me this is a really stunning game in the headset – the trailers looks outstanding, but actually being inside the world shows it true beauty. From the light breaking through the trees, the lighting, the day and night cycle totally changing the ambiance of the game and world around you. This is by far one of the best looking games available on PlayStation VR2, and even with the blocky terrain you are taken in by how beautiful it all looks and the outstanding draw distance.

The games visual design and creation feel it tied together with the ambient noises of the world, objects and wildlife and some chilled background music. This is all cyubeVR needs to give it an immersive sound design, and keep the player relaxed while exploring and creating.


The Verdict

cyubeVR has taken some inspiration from Minecraft, but taken it further with the visual presentation, giving you a truly stunning world – and the best looking game on PSVR2 to date. At the moment the game is aimed more at the creative side, with no real threats or enemies in the world, meaning you are free to explore, collect and craft with no stress. For some this sort of approach is perfect as it gives you no worries while creating some grand designs however, it means if you want some survival elements at the moment this might not be the game for you – hopefully this might come down the line. But, if you just want that creative option, the game is beautiful and allows for some fantastic creations that look out of this world and is certainly worth adding to your library.