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Review: Taskmaster VR

As a fan of the television show Taskmaster, when the VR game was announced I was excited but, also reserved in what we should expect from the game. I just wasn’t sure if they could really replicate what the show offers. I have now been tasking my brain to get the best scores possible, but did it live it up to what I wanted as a fan of the show?

Release Date: June 13th 2024
Developer: Scallywag Arcade
Publisher: Draw & Code
Price: £24.99
Reviewed On: Meta Quest 3
* Access Provided For Review *

Sometimes Open Ended

You will be playing episodes of the show as the main element of the gameplay, however, you are just playing against yourself and trying to complete the task and score the maximum points. Unlike the show, where you would have other contestants playing along side you. You will play five-episodes that each consist of two challenges around the Taskmaster house and garden and one final studio based task.

I personally felt like the tasks were well designed to feel they could be part of the show, which is what you want from the game based on this fantastic TV show. Although, some of them have a set solution and not all are free to openly think outside of the box and play around with – which is such a big part of the actual show. This makes those more standard solution tasks stand out a bit more, and seem less fun that the ones that leave it open for you to play with.

The tasks are made a lot harder by the controls, with the player moving like they are carrying a huge weight on them with how slow and heavy the movement feels. Then the physics in the games aren’t perfect, where picking up some less weighty items, can feel just like moving one that has a lot more weight to it. It just becomes hard to manage putting both of these things together and can lead to unnecessary errors while trying to complete the tasks.

Outside of the controls needing some work, I found there is also some collision issues and some other odd occurrences that just don’t make sense. For example: In on task I used the artificial crouch after so much work transporting an egg in a utensil holder, used the crouch button to get closer to the floor and the egg just smashed in the holder. Same with some of the collision issues they caused errors in solutions to some of the tasks, like items being used to help balance clipping into each other and falling or just lowering your balancing beam. When working so hard on your solution and an error like this happening dropping your score gets really frustrating.

Now to the scoring, this seems quite hit and miss as well, some tasks I feel I preformed really well on and would scale it down on the lower side. Then some I feel I messed up would get scored on the higher end. Most made sense but a few times I was left a little confused on what was being scored.

One omission I was shocked to see was any sort of live multiplayer mode, with the show having numerous contestants all getting scored against each others attempts, it seemed the perfect translation for playing the game with friends. Instead they have gone for a creative mode, where players can create their own tasks and share with them with others as the online integration. However, at this moment in time there is no way to set a solution, so these are not live yet and I feel depending on players to keep the game fresh is not always the best way to go, as only a few games have pulled this off successfully from their player-base.

Visit The Sets

The team have made a faithful recreation of the Task Master house and stage in the studio, which fans of the TV show will certainly love walking around. They have gone for a more cartoon look to the visuals, but it does really suit the feeling of the show and game to be presented this way virtually. This is matched with stylised character models for both Greg Davies and Alex Horne.

However, I was greatly distracted by the anti-aliasing in the game, as the distance doesn’t seem that far away before it starts to show. To the point that the edges are all jaggy on Greg and Alex as you are looking at them on the stage for the breaks between the challenges – which just takes away from the immersion and overall feel of the game.

For the audio you will be greeted with the Taskmaster theme when in the menus and as episodes start. Once inside the task you will get the environmental sounds around the Taskmaster house and some background music. Both Greg and Alex are voiced by their real-lift counterparts, which I was happy to see. Although some issues rear their ugly head in this design, with repeated lines from Alex happening on tasks – and when its a long task these can become quite annoying. Then I am not sure if it is just me but, as a fan of the show I just feel like the ‘banter’ between Greg and Alex in the studio between tasks has been held back a little to make the game suitable for more ages. Where the chemistry is still there it just doesn’t hit the same the show.


The Verdict

Taskmaster VR has ended up being a bit of an odd one. I feel it does capture the feeling of the show with the tasks, the presentation and being voiced by both Greg and Alex respectively – but, then it also falls flat in areas that makes it very mixed bag. From playing against yourself and just trying to get the five-points, the limited number of tasks of which some do not offer open ended solutions. Add to this visuals and audio that bring some of their own issues as well, it just adds to the feeling of it could have offered more. With no live multiplayer mode where you can face off against friends and battle for points, seems the biggest over-sight in what the game could have offer. With the limited number of tasks and at the moment the main longevity being dependent on the player-base, it just seems like the life of the game could be very short. As a big fan of the TV series there is parts I love of the game, but for £24.99 it’s a huge push to recommend it outside of a decent reduction.