Sunday , 9 March 2025

Superhot VR Review

For the purposes of transparency, this review was created using a code provided by the company or their respective PR company. The use of a review code does not affect my judgement of the game.

Superhot VR has finally moved on from only being available on the Oculus Rift, and has made it’s way over to the HTC Vive. Which was perfect timing for me, because when using the Playstation VR I looked at Oculus with jealousy in my eyes, I just wanted to get my hands on Superhot VR. But, now I have it with the Vive was the jealousy warranted?

Story wise Superhot VR does not offer a lot, with a little break between levels with a few lines of dialogue giving you some idea. To be honest I never really noticed there was an aim to the game until I got told to ‘destroy the pyramid’ near the end of the game. But, this is not a bad thing as Superhot VR is all about the gameplay.

For me the gameplay is where the aforementioned jealousy set in the most, because there really didn’t seem to be anything so unique available across other platforms. Now if you’re thinking ‘it’s a shooting game, there’s plenty of them’ let me explain the concept; what makes this unique is the time element they’ve used. In the game time only moves if you are moving, meaning you really have to think about your movement, and take in what is coming at you from each angle. This adds a huge part of planning to some levels, do you take out he ones with guns first before they can get a shot off, or do you take out one that’s close first – all the time having to think that looking around is going to make them move.

The time control is very reminiscent of bullet-time, and this is at a point where for me that bullet-time was starting to feel old. But, when you are immersed into a world like you can be in VR this really gives it a new feel and edge – and you can actually feel like Neo in the Matrix dodging bullets coming at you. To go with this the game definitely needs to played stood-up – because it does need a lot movement to dodge and in some cases hide from incoming bullets behind cover. Now, another great feature of the time control is it really does pick up the pace of your movement – meaning again you have to think about this because slow movements might be needed to dodge weapon fire, because the bullets do come at you fast if you move at a normal pace.

Another solid thing about the gameplay is the game was clearly made with VR in mind, and this has been taken this into account very well. To got with the time based combat the team at SUPERHOT have set up the action sequences really well, with in some parts feeling really intense to play – again adding to the strategy element to the game. There is multiple ways you can approach the action sequences be with guns (if they’re available), objects close by to throw, with your fists or with a special ability you get closer to the end of the game. However, the approach you take is not always your choice. As, you might not be given a weapon or you might run out of the one clip of ammo you are given in weapons and you could also run out of items to throw – meaning using you fists it the only option. But, my favourite part of these action sequences is killing an enemy close by and catching their weapon as it flies through the air – makes you feel like right bad-ass when you do it the first time.


superhot-01 superhot-04 superhot-02 superhot-05 superhot-03

Now, visually you might look at Superhot VR in videos and think it’s nothing that special – but for the hyper-realism in most shooters just wouldn’t work for this. The simple approach to the visuals really does work, and even though you would think it could take away from the immersion, it surprisingly doesn’t. The three colour system really helps you out in the game and planning your moves in the action sequences. As you will see in the above video the colours are white for your surroundings, red for the enemies and black for the objects you can pick up and use as weapons. For me this really does help as you are not just trying to pick anything out, when you have to take into account your movement is letting them move – this is where the hyper-realism wouldn’t have worked. So, looking at what they did with the visuals, although they are simple and stylised they suit the game perfectly.

Control wise the game is very simple, and uses the Vive Controllers really well. All you will find you have to use it’s the grip buttons on the side, which are easy pressed by gripping the controller to pick your weapons up and/or clench your fist – then let go to drop or when swinging you arm to throw the weapon. Other than this when using the guns, it’s a simple press of the trigger on the back of the controller, and that’s pretty much it. Simple, easy and effective.

Then, as previously mentioned the rest of the game’s elements is all about your movement. Given the use of the room sensor boxes you have with the Vive this is all tracked extremely well – which really does help the game and the immersion. Even-though by the end of the action sequences you can feel like you’ve had a work out with all the ducking and moving the game makes you do – making Superhot VR one of those games you point to when saying gaming can be healthy.

Superhot VR took me around two hours to get through all the stages (or floppy discs, as the game uses these to portray the stages). Now, that might not seem long taking into account there is not multiplayer to it at all, but the game does offer replay value. You might be thinking, where is the replay value? For me I can see myself going back to it over and over again trying to get through the action sequences in multiple different ways – because there is plenty of options. This is where I think they’ve done well, you want to go back and experience it again in a different way. For example; you might decide you are only going to use throw-able objects and/or you fists – if want that extra challenge.


Superhot VR is a must own titles for all HTC Vive and Oculus Rift owners out there. The game is unique, and makes bullet-time feel new again. The only downfall is some people might not find replay value in it – where some like me will.

Also available on Oculus Rift, Playstation VR and Windows Mixed Reality
Developer: SUPERHOT

Version Reviewed: HTC Vive
  • 9/10
    Gameplay - 9/10
  • 8.5/10
    Visuals - 8.5/10
  • 9/10
    Controls - 9/10
  • 8/10
    Longevity - 8/10


Superhot VR is a must own titles for all HTC Vive and Oculus Rift owners out there. The game is unique, and makes bullet-time feel new again. The only downfall is some people might not find replay value in it – where some like me will.

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