The final element you will be collecting on your runs is scrap, this the currency in The Foglands. This will allow you to by items at intervals between your runs from Mine Man or by using it before a run to purchase some items in the Lookout to take in with you from the start. These are limited to four-slots you carry on your belt. As with your power-ups any scrap you have on you when you die will be lost. However, you can deposit it back to the lookout when you run into Mine Man, via a near-by pipe. Although doing this you might leave yourself short for buying something you might need down the line.
When it comes to the combat and taking on the creatures and monsters of The Foglands, this can be done using guns, melee and throwing items. You will find a gun that best suits how you play, however, after settling with the pistol for so long in my runs, I pivoted to the automatic as I was got further and further into my runs.
The issues I had with the gunplay have been addressed with the 1.0.3 patch, with the guns no longer seeming angled in a weird position, meaning all my bullets got in the direction I am expecting – which was the issue that made it feel so broken for me. I think one area I never gave a real chance in when originally reviewing the game was the throw-able weapons, and came away with a couple on new learns from revisiting after patch. The first was the eye-tracking plays a big part in your accuracy when throwing items, the wrench is one hell of weapon and finally if you can pick it up, it can be thrown and cause damage. Which really gives the game a a fun aspect, and you will soon learn how the game should not be taken one-hundred percent seriously when approaching your runs.
The game comes with two difficulty modes, which are story and regular. I would advise skipping over story, as I played this mode first thinking it would present some challenge at least while I learn the mechanics. But, I managed to get through my very first run in just over an hour with no real difficulty – then I switched to regular and it made it feel more like a roguelike than a very short shooter.
I wasn’t sure on the inclusion of only two difficulties when starting, as I thought once regular is done, what’s next to challenge me? To combat this We Told Entertainment took the steps of increasing the quantity and health of enemies over successive runs, making it gradually become harder the more runs you complete. With the latest patch, also bringing better AI and increasing the enemy damage, bringing more challenge as the amount of enemies increase. Since, I played for review as well, they have introduced some very interesting ‘crab surprises’ as the team at Well Told Entertainment call them.