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Review: ZyberVR Quest 3 Elite Battery Head Strap

I was first introduced to ZyberVR’s accessories via Quest 3, when I tried out and was impressed by the standard Elite Strap – and when this was combined with their battery neck strap it was a very viable option. Now they have sent me the Elite strap which also includes a battery, so I have been putting this through some testing.

Release Date: October 10th 2023
Brand: ZyberVR
Price: £49.00
Reviewed On: Meta Quest 3
* Product Provided For Review *

What’s In The Box?

Inside of the box you get the head strap, the battery bracket, a top strap, the instruction booklet (a little construction required) and a lens cleaning cloth.

Attaching To The HMD

Getting the strap on the Quest 3 is simple. Firstly you need to attach the battery bracket on the head strap, which is also the extra support for the back of your head. Remove the default head strap and the face gasket, thread one end of the top strap and reconnect the face gasket. Once this all in place attach the left and right arms to the sides of the HMD, and connect the other end of the top strap to the back bracket. You are now ready to go, this took me around ten-minutes to complete.


I was a fan of the ZyberVR Elite Strap and was also pleased with the comfort, especially with the price which is a fraction of the official Elite Strap by Meta – with the ZyberVR Elite Battery Head Strap still coming in £80.99 less than the official one.

With the instant relief you get when putting on the Elite Battery strap is evident straight away. However with the battery bracket angle being adjustable, it might feel odd with pressure points until you get it placed perfectly for the shape of your head – which takes no time at all.

Compared to the standard strap you get with the Quest 3, the sturdy build of the head strap, the back bracket and top strap improves the comfort one-hundred percent, and it’s great to see third-party accessories helping keep the Quest comfortable again at a decent cost.

As aforementioned I had the ZyberVR neck battery strap to extend the lifespan of the Quest 3, which was a viable option. But, this is no longer required with the battery included inside of the back bracket of the strap. With a wire that is much more manageable coming from the head strap rather than up from the strap around your neck – with the head strap arm having a cable management clip.

Testing the Product

To give the head straps a fair test I always stick to playing multiple genres of games, which are active, rhythm, seating and shooters – this allows for a good test of the comfort and support offered. As mentioned, you need to get the back bracket in the correct position and this elevates any pressure points and keep it sturdy and comfortable on your head. With the weight of the battery at the back of the strap making the overall weight of the headset perfectly balanced.

Now for those extended sessions, I ran tests on both having it plugged in from full battery and plugging it in when I got the battery warning. These were the results.

With the battery being fully charged;

  • Quest 3 Enhanced Games: The strap lasted about two-hours, but kept the Quest fully charged.
  • Non-Enhanced Games: It lasted two and a half hours and kept the Quest fully charged.
  • Mixed Reality: It lasted around an hour and a half, keeping the Quest fully charged
  • While Casting: For games it lasted around two-hours and mixed reality around an hour and fifteen-minutes, both keeping the Quest fully charged.

The with the battery at fifteen-percent;

  • Quest 3 Enhanced Games: Again the strap lasted about two-hours, and left the Quest at about seventy five-percent changed.
  • Non–Enhanced Games: It lasted two and a half hours and the Quest was around seventy five-percent changed
  • Mixed Reality: It lasted around an hour and fifteen-minutes, leaving the Quest at around seventy-percent charged.
  • While Casting: For games it lasted around two-hours and charged to Quest to about seventy five-percent changed and mixed reality around an hour, with the Quest having around sixty-percent charge.

Which is the same performance I got from their neck battery strap, meaning it holds the benefits of the standard Elite Strap and Neck Power Bank combined.

The Verdict

ZyberVR’s Quest 3 Elite Battery Head Strap brings all the comfort offered by their Elite Strap, but with the extra benefit of the extended sessions in your games. With the battery in the back bracket, meaning it is weighted perfectly to stop any movement and keep it feeling even more sturdy on your head, never mind what type of the game you are playing. Out of all the head straps I have tested, this will the be one that stays connected to my Quest 3 moving forward.