Wednesday , 15 May 2024

playstation gaming

PSVR GamesReviews

Flipy’s Tesla Lets Invent The Future Episode One Review

Flipy's Tesla Lets Invent The Future brings with it some education/science elements with it. However, will it appeal to everyone or does it...

PSVR GamesReviews

Discovery Review

There are some games out there that want to the players to be creative, some that make it simple and some that more...

PSVR GamesReviews

End Space Review

End Space brings some more space shooter action to the Playstation VR. It enters the field with popular games in this genre such...

PSVR GamesReviews

Sparc Review

With RIGS not really getting my interest, I was pleased to see another virtual sport game heading to the Playstation in VR. This...

PSVR GamesReviews

Dino Frontier Review

Remember when you were younger and you would take your favourite toys and make them live in the same world? Well Dino Frontier...

PSVR GamesReviews

Tiny Trax Review

Tiny Trax is now available on the Playstation VR, a racer that finally put’s you outside the car for all those people who...