Propagation: Paradise Hotel is not the first Propagation game to hit Virtual Reality, with the original playing out as more of a wave...
May 4, 2023A Fisherman’s Tale is still one of my favorite puzzle games in Virtual Reality, so I was super excited when Another Fisherman’s Tale...
April 22, 2023The team at DPVR had a vision with the E4 which was to make an affordable PCVR headset, that is made to take...
April 21, 2023One thing I love is when an Indie developer takes an idea that is new to VR and runs with it. This is...
April 17, 2023There are a number of franchises that could make use of virtual reality, and Jurassic World was one that should be a perfect...
April 13, 2023What I like about VR is its a medium that offers so many options, and Across The Valley is looking to bring farming...
April 5, 2023