Tuesday , 18 February 2025

Meta Quest

Meta QuestReviews

Review: Beyond Blue: After The Storm

When I had the chance to try out the flatscreen version of Beyond Blue at EGX Rezzed in 2019, I asked the developers...

Meta QuestReviews

Review: Dino Hab

When I first came across Dino Hab, I imagined it as a sort of Tamagotchi experience set in Virtual Reality, but featuring real...

Meta QuestMixed RealityReviews

Review: DodgeCraft

One fantastic application of Virtual Reality is its ability to provide immersive fitness games, making the experience far more enjoyable than just watching...

Meta QuestReviews

Review: Madison VR

Madison has officially been recognised as the most terrifying game ever by ‘The Science of Scare Project’, and now it’s taking the fear...

Meta QuestReviews

Review: Epyka

It's wild to remember that I first experienced Epyka back in 2018 during a brief demo at EGX Rezzed. At that time, it...

Meta QuestReviews

Review: Human Within

Virtual Reality offers a fantastic platform for storytelling through engaging movies and experiences. I find Gloomy Eyes and The Line particularly impressive in...