Humanity is brought to us by Enhance, who have challenged the norm of VR games in the past by bringing Rez and Tetris...
March 25, 2024One genre that really resonates with me in VR is third-person platformers, and Max Mustard is the latest to step into the arena....
March 18, 2024Some franchises feel like they are made for VR, and Micro Machines certainly seems like one of those. With LEGO Bricktales showing how...
January 5, 2024Sometimes two things feel like they are made to go hand-in-hand with each other, and VR and LEGO is one of those things....
December 24, 2023PotamWorks rhythm game Smash Drums has a mixed reality mode, aptly named Smashed Reality, and with me only trying MR after getting my...
December 13, 2023With my hands-on of the first few missions of Sniper Elite VR: Winter Warrior left me impressed, and I couldn’t wait to get...
November 30, 2023