Monday , 10 March 2025

Arizona Sunshine 2 Review

As soon as Arizona Sunshine 2 was announced I was really excited to see what Vertigo Games would do with the sequel I have always wanted. Not only is the original still one of the standout zombie games in virtual reality despite being released in 2016, but Vertigo Games then amped everything up in relation to active enemies with After The Fall.

Release Date: December 7th 2023
Developer: Vertigo Games
Publisher: Vertigo Games
Price: US $49.99 / CA $66.99 / €49,99 / £39.99
Reviewed On: PlayStation VR 2
* Code Provided For Review *


You return to Arizona as the same protagonist as the original, as you find out there was a patient zero that has caused all of your problems in life. Now all you want to do is kill patient zero, to get back and some relief for all the issues they have caused. What could make your search for patient zero and braving the end of the world better? Doing all this with a companion by your side, and luckily for you and your sanity you find a new-best friend in a dog call Buddy to help you on your mission.


If you played the original you know what to expect, as you make you way across part of Arizona, taking down any zombie or as they are known Fred’s in your way, and to stop them having your brains for lunch. In order to do this you are going to need the fire power and all the help you can get from your new found friend.

The way you can slay the Fred’s is extended even further, with over forty-weapons being at your disposal. With fan favorites from the original returning, but introducing things like flame-throwers and a mass of melee weapons from katanas to garden shovels to kill the undead. With all the fire-arms coming with full manual reloads and physical handling, which I was so happy to see included now that manual reloads are norm in virtual reality.

With a new gore and mutilation system being introduced making the damage look better than every before as you blow holes in the Fred’s. Also a new addition of collecting materials on your way, that will allow you to craft explosives outside of the ones you find, although this is only when you make it to a crafting station.

They have brought in some elements outside of the guns this time, with items you might need not always being available in the near vicinity like in original. Also in some instances you are going to just need to run, as you have no other option for your survival. Luckily, your new companion and good-boy Buddy, will lead you in the right direction to aid you in your escape.

We also get the return of the very popular two-player co-op mode for the campaign. Meaning you can be joined by a friend to take out the zombies, as you make your way across Arizona.


Arizona Sunshine 2 looks fantastic on the PSVR2, and what I loved is it starting in the RV you navigate the menus in the original. This instantly made it clear what the new generation of both headset and hardware has allowed since 2016, and was a perfect example to show the difference even before you stepped out into Arizona. Then stepping out of the RV made my jaw drop, the sun-kissed environments looked great, with the lighting looking perfect. This continued throughout in different times of the day, inside buildings or the sewers, with the breaks in the lighting making it all come to life perfectly. Adding to all these details in the settings, this is matched my how great all the zombies look, especially given the amounts attacking you at times with no slow down issues – something that has come across perfectly from After The Fall.

The final little touch on the visuals that I really like is the stylised text that appears over signs and sometimes over the Fred’s. At first, when seeing this in the trailer it was something I wasn’t sure I would like, but its perfectly implemented when used and works well.

Arizona is again brought to life with the fantastic use of environmental audio, the moans and groans of the many Fred’s you will encounter and the growls and barks of Buddy. As you come across larger groups of zombies light music will kick in to set the scene a little more, and in areas when you have aggressive waves to take out or you are getting chased it will pick-up in tempo. As aforementioned you will be playing the same protagonist as the original and again the voice acting is superb, and he returns with his dad jokes and dark-humor, with his fits of insanity being less frequent thanks to having Buddy by his side.



Arizona Sunshine 2 takes everything great about the original and dials it up to eleven, in a sequel that has been worth the seven-year wait. With another great story-driven campaign that is twice as long in length and more gripping that the first – and improved massively by having Buddy by your side. Mixing this with a wider-range of weapons, melee combat and the new and improved gore and mutilation system it makes killing the Fred’s even more fun. All as you make your way across a sun-kissed Arizona that has never looked so good, cementing this firmly as best zombie game available in virtual reality.

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