Friday , 28 March 2025

Preview: Dragons Tale VR (EGX Rezzed 2019)

This was the first VR game I had seen listed on the website before the event, so I knew I would need to find out the position of the game, luckily it was right next door to NYC Bungee. I headed here on the second day as I had arranged to interview Alex from the team – unfortunately I had some technical issues with the voice recording. However, I still got a good look at what the team brought with them.

The version we got the chance to look at was very early alpha build, which was to show off the flying mechanic more than anything. Now, I wasn’t sure of what I would make of it watching someone play it, but I was surprised once I got my hands on the demo.

In the game you are placed into the position of being a dragon, and the reason I wasn’t sure about it is; you had to physically flap your arms to get height. After this you would turn your wrist towards the floor to swoop down, and towards the ceiling to glide back up – while pressing the grips in on the side of the Vive’s tracked motion controllers. The final element of this mechanic was tilting your arms to turn, like you would as a child being an aeroplane. Where at first I felt a little stupid doing this and struggling with get the movement right with the mix of the mechanics, this feeling soon passed and in about five minutes I was flying and swooping with ease. Given you were doing all of this yourself it added immersion to the game.

When speaking to Alex from the team, he advised that the final version of the game will come with a story and play-out using quests, as well as additional mechanics being added.

When it came to visual side of the game it was very cartoon-esc, and this style really suited with what the team are doing with the game. Where at the moment the environment wasn’t overly detailed the detailing in your wings looked great, so I am hoping they are going to bring the same sort of detailing to the environments and world.

From what I have played I can see this being more aimed at a younger audience. Also, one to be played behind closed doors on your own, if you are embarrassed about letting people see you do the moment system. But, this is one I am certainly going to keep an eye on through it’s development.

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