When Puzzle Bobble VR was first announced, I was not sure if we needed a time-less classic like this in VR. Then I...
June 16, 2021I have never really got into Table Top games, but I was interested in trying this sort of thing in VR when Demeo...
May 10, 2021Having previously enjoyed The Wizards on the three platforms I have played it on, and even though I could see the visual downgrades...
May 6, 2021Playing Pinball in venues can soon become expensive, so my main experience of Pinball has been on game consoles or previous VR Pinball...
April 29, 2021When I heard Fast Travel Games were moving on to making a horror game with Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife, I was interested...
April 22, 2021ALVO made it’s first appearance back in 2017, and since then has been through a bit a development nightmare from funding issues, to...
April 13, 2021