The world of Westworld has finally made the jump to VR with HBO and renowned VR developer Survios teaming up to being this...
August 20, 2019Waltz of the Wizard (legacy edition) was released for free back in May 2016, now the team have brought out an Extended Edition....
August 1, 2019Fujii was another game we first got introduced to as part of Upload’s #E3VR event. Where we knew little about the game, the...
July 12, 2019We first heard of ROGAN: Thief in the Castle as part of Uploads E3VR events, and straight away we knew this a was...
June 30, 2019When the teaser trailer was released for Archiact’s FREEDIVER Triton Down and the hashtag of #DontForgetBreathe popped up, I was instantly interested to...
June 22, 2019With games like Accounting setting the bar for humour in VR, I was interested in playing Flavortown from watching the trailer, with it...
May 23, 2019